Q&A about Non-Immigrant Visa B

For Non-B Visa or Non-Immigration Visa Business is a type of permit to travel to Thailand for work. Let's see what are the rules for foreigners who come to Thailand to work properly.
Wonderful Package has questions and answers to solve questions about Visa Non-B as follows:
Q : What is the qualification for Non-B Visa applicants?
A : 1. Foreigners must have an employer company by having entered into an employment contract and receive a salary as required by law.
2. The company must have a paid-up registered capital of not less than 2 million baht.
3. The company must have business stability and must have a real and continuous business.
4. The company must have a ratio number of aliens with Thai employees 1 per 4 people.
5. Foreigners must obtain a temporary visa (Non-Immigration).
Q : If foreigners already have a Non-Immigrant Type “B” visa to come to work in Thailand but do not have a Work Permit, what do they do?
A : It is recommended to contact the Department of Employment, the Ministry of Labor, for advice on obtaining a Work Permit because there are laws and regulations determined for the work of foreigners. You can check the information from the website www.doe.go.th, or ask for information about the service for applying for a work permit from Wonderful Package staff.
Q : How many days before the visa expiration can I apply for an extension of stay or extend my work visa (Non-B Visa Extension)?
A : When applying for a work visa extension for the first time, the officer will consider the visa to stay in Thailand for 30 days for pending the approval of the work visa for 1 year. Therefore, when the 30-day permit deadline is approaching, you can bring your passport to get the result of consideration again. If the result of the consideration is complete, you will receive a 1-year work visa. If it is not finished, the officer will extend the visa for another 30 days until the result of the consideration is complete.
Q : If a foreigner holding a Covid visa (visa amnesty), can they change to a Non-B visa and apply for a work permit?
A : Yes, they can change the visa type to a Non-B Visa if their previous visa is Tourist Visa, Non-B Visa. However, it has to check the original visa documents before changed to a Covid Visa. Then, the staff will assess how to do it and how much it costs.
Q : If a foreigner who has a Non-Immigrant visa came to install machines in Thailand and the work has not been completed within the visa deadline, what should I do?
A : You can apply for a visa extension and it must be certified and requested by the relevant organization or authority.
Q : If I already applied for a visa, is it has to get the results by myself?
A : It is not necessary. If you are applying for a visa to stay in the Kingdom and the officials make an appointment to get the result of the consideration, the foreigner may come in person or authorize another person to bring a passport to act on their behalf.
Q : In the case of foreigners working at the embassy in Thailand, if they want to extend their stay what are the required documents?
A : It can divide into 2 cases.
1. In the case of a person who is entitled under Section 15 of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522, must have the following evidence:
1.1 Copy of the applicant's passport
1.2 Certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2. In the case of a foreigner submitting an application under Section 35 of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522, use the following documents:
2.1 Fee 1,900 baht
2.2 Request Form
2.3 Copy of the applicant's passport
2.4 Certificate, and the letter for requesting permission to stay from a government agency at the department level or equivalent
Q : If foreigners enter Thailand with a tourist visa (Phor.45) and overstay, can they change the visa type to a Non-B visa?
A : Normally, this cannot be done. You only have to travel outside the country. You can send documents to our staff for preliminary consideration.
Q : If foreigners wishing to travel in and out of Thailand more than once, what should they do?
A : They should apply for a Multiple-entry (in-out country many times suitable for a visa period of more than 3 months) in order not to waste time doing a Re-entry Permit before leaving the country.
Q : How many cases can foreigners apply for a Non-B Visa, and how to do it?
A : 1. In case of not traveling to Thailand or visa expired, please apply for a NON-B Visa at the Thai Embassy in that country, and you can check the preparation of documents at the consulate of that country (depending on the requesting country).
2. In the case of already traveled to Thailand by holding a Tourist Visa, Transit Visa, or other visas, please proceed to change the visa type to Visa NON-B at the Immigration Office Chaengwattana.
3. If you already have a Non-B Visa but the visa nearly expires, please apply for a visa extension at the Immigration Office, Chaengwattana.
Q : If a foreigner has a Non-B Visa but they don't have a Work Permit, can they work in Thailand and why?
A : They cannot work because they must have a Work Permit in Thailand before they can work.
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Q&A ถาม-ตอบ เกี่ยวกับ Non-Immigrant Visa B
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