Q&A About Notification of staying in the Kingdom
over 90 days

Foreigner who has been granted for 1 year visa to stay in the Kingdom of Thailand must notify of his/her stay in
the Kingdom of Thailand every 90 days at The Immigration Bureau in case he/she doesn't go abroad.
Here is the summarize of questions and the information about Notification of Staying in the Kingdom over 90 days.
Q : What should I do if my departure date to go abroad is the same of the day to make Notification of Staying in the Kingdom?
A : Foreigner does not have to make Notification of staying, he/she can continue traveling abroad. Whenever the foreigner
come back to the Kingdom of Thailand, he/she has to make notify in the next 90 days. If foreigner staying in the Kingdom
over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau, he/she will be fined.
Q : Does foreigner have to notify every 90 days if he/she is granted to stay in the Kingdom for 1 year?
A : Foreigner must notify the Immigration Bureau every 90 days (Count in day by day) with Form TM.47.
Q : In case of being the Host of foreigner, can the host be authorized by foreigner to make notification of staying in the Kingdom?
A : The host must notify to the Immigration Bureau about the staying of foreigner within 24 hours (counting from the time
when foreigner start staying with the host). Foreigner can make notification by his/her own or authorize a power of
attorney to notify for him/her with Form TM.30. Foreigner can submit documents of Notification by registered mail.
Q : The foreigner authorises another person to make the notification, in case of he/she staying in the Kingdom over 90 days?
A : Yes, foreigner can authorize another person to make the notification within 15 days before or after 7 days the period
of 90 days expires with the below required documents.
1. Passport of foreigner.
2. Departure card (TM.6)
3. Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any).
4. Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47.
Q : What are the required documents of Notification of staying over 90 days?
A : The required documents in case of foreigner makes the notification in person or authorizes another person to make the
notification are.
1. Passport of foreigner.
2. Departure card (TM.6)
3. Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any).
4. Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47.
Q : If foreigner does not notify his/her staying in the specified period or be lated in making notification, is there any penalties?
A : If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the
Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not
make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.
Q : Where is the Offices accepting notification of staying over 90 days located?
A : In case of foreigner makes the notification in person or authorizes another person to make the notification, please
notify at the local Immigration Bureau where foreigner stays.
Q : Where is the Immigration Bureau located in Bangkok?
A : In case of The foreigners who reside in Bangkok, make the notification in person, or authorizes another person to make
the notification at 90 Days Report Section , 2nd Floor , Muang Thong Thani Temporary Service Center
(Popular Rd., Pakkred district, Nonthaburi).
Q : Is there any other way for Foreigner to make notification of staying over 90 days?
A : Foreigner can make the notification by Registered Mail, procedure and notification are as belows.
1. Photocopy of passport pages with following pages
– front page showing name / surname / Passport No., ect.
– current visa
– last entry stamp of immigration
– last extension of visa
2. Photocopy of departure card TM.6 click to view Example TM.6 card
3. Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any) click to view Example document
4. Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47 click to view Example document (Don’t forget to sign name.)
5. Envelope with 10 Baht stamp affixed and return address of foreigner for the officer in charge to send back the
lower part of form TM. 47 after having received the notification. This part must be kept for reference and for
future notifications of staying over 90 days.
6. The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the
foreigner. Send the mail before the renewal date 15 days to Immigration Checkpoint in local area where the alien resides.
Q : Is it the same between Apply for Visa Extension in the Kingdom and Notification of staying over 90 days?
A : The application for Visa Extension with form TM.7 is not the same as Notification of staying every 90 days which requires TM.47 only.
– The notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days is in no way equivalent to a visa extension.
– If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.
– If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case.
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Q&A ถาม-ตอบ เกี่ยวกับการรับแจ้งอยู่ในราชอาณาจักร เกิน 90 วัน
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